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JEP Reports available on request

The full set of report outputs from the JEP work programme is only available to JEP members.  A selection of these reports is being made freely available on request, and these available reports are detailed below.

A Review of Water Use for Hydrogen Production

Production of low carbon hydrogen is essential for the UK to achieve its decarbonisation goals. This study provides quantification of the potential range of water volumes required for the production of ‘blue hydrogen’ (ATR and SMR with CCS) and ‘green hydrogen’ (PEM and alkaline electrolysis). 

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Characterisation of Power Plant Fuels for Compliance with LCP BREF Conclusion BAT 9

This Protocol specifies the monitoring, reporting and compliance requirements for combustion plant installations with aggregated thermal input of > 50MWth.  The content has been agreed with the UK Competent Authorities in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, with regard to their differing legal and regulatory positions.


 Scenarios for the projection to 2050 of Water Use by Power Producers - updated using FES21

The study is aimed at illustrating the potential development and uncertainty of power sector future gross water usage and consumption (for electricity generation and hydrogen production) in the period to 2050. It extends the previous JEP report ENV/675/2021 to account for the Future Energy Scenarios released by National Grid ESO in the summer of 2021. 

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Projections of Water Use in Electricity and Hydrogen Production to 2050, under the 2020 Future Energy and CC scenarios - Regional analysis

This report provides estimates of the potential development and uncertainty of power sector future gross water usage and consumption (for electricity generation and hydrogen production) in the period to 2050 within each of the water resource regions presently used in UK water resource planning initiatives. It is designed to be read in conjunction with the JEP report ENV/675/2021  which illustrates the modelling approach used. 

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Positioning Combustion Power Plant in Water Resource Management Planning

This document brings together a review of the approaches that are guiding the direction of water resource planning and licensing in England and Wales with a view to establishing key sector principles and positions to assist JEP and Energy UK participants within the planning process, and which can be shared with regulators and other abstractors. The content of this document reflects the engagement and issues as of late 2019 to early 2020, and therefore predates some more recent publications such as the 2020 National Framework for Water Resources publication.


Water use at thermal power plant

Water Use at thermal power plant 
UTG/19/PMP/486/R    Energy UK website    This report forms part of the JEP package of information on water uses in power plant. It provides a compilation of recent actual water use data, as measured at UK power plant. It discusses the many factors applying at sector and individual installation level which lead to the range of water use occurring. In particular it takes into account how the changes in regulating electricity markets may influence the way thermal plant are used in future with implications for the water-energy nexus.    

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A Protocol on Projects Modelling Cooling Water Discharges into TrAC Waters within Power Station Developments

The aim of this Protocol is to provide a clear and consistent approach for project specific modelling studies. It has been developed in consultation with the EA and NRW.     


ESI - IED Compliance Protocol

This Protocol specifies the monitoring, reporting and compliance requirements for combustion plant installations with aggregated thermal input of > 50MWth.  The content has been agreed with the UK Competent Authorities in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, with regard to their differing legal and regulatory positions.

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Costs Of Water Abstraction Measures at UK Combustion Power Plant

This report sets out the potential monetary impacts associated with any restrictions on abstraction licences for new or existing power plant.   This aspect sits alongside  broader security of supply and environmental considerations and Energy UK were invited by EA to provide this input as part of River Basin Management Plans 3. 

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Water Use in Biomass & CCGT with CCUS

This study provides an updated review on the gross water usage and water consumption of gas-fired power plants fitted with carbon capture utilisation and storage (CCUS) technology as well as bio-energy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) plants.  The focus is on two main metrics: cooling water abstracted per unit of power generated and cooling water abstracted per unit of CO2 captured. Once through cooling and hybrid or wet cooling towers are considered as cooling options.

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Scenarios for the projection to 2050 of water use by power producers with a focus on the East of England

The study is aimed at illustrating and applying the methodological approach developed by JEP to assess the potential development and uncertainty of power sector future water gross water usage and consumption (for electricity generation and hydrogen production) in the period to 2050. It relies on energy scenarios released by National Grid ESO and the Climate Change Committee.  This study is focused on water use at GB scale and in the ‘East of England’. 

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Air quality impacts associated with black start operation

During a black start event, power generation plants would be under the instruction of National Grid and would be required to operate to enable other plants to start. This instruction could foreseeably result in a plant operating in a manner which could breach permit conditions (for normal operation in terms of emission limit values or annual operating hour caps). In order to avoid this situation, operators have requested derogations in the permit conditions to apply when operating under a black start instruction. An assessment of the potential air quality impacts associated with such operation (for a short duration and an extended duration black start period) has been carried out for a range of different power station types to allow an informed consideration of the above issue by the environmental regulators.

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JEP Independent Development of Water Use in Scenarios for Future Thermal Power Stations

This report documents earlier activities undertaken in 2012 by JEP to model future water uses by thermal power stations. The original approach has then been extended (and superseded) by most recent JEP activities (see JEP report ENV/675/2021). 

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Environmental Aspects of Emissions from Firing Hydrogen in Combined Cycle Gas Turbine

This report reviews currently available information regarding hydrogen NOx emissions performance and considers potential approaches for emission regulation, using Combined Cycle Gas Turbines (CCGTs) firing natural gas as a comparator. An air dispersion modelling study has been undertaken to compare potential air quality impacts relating to natural gas and hydrogen and a high-level cost-benefit analysis (CBA) has been undertaken

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